I love when you see the lightbulb go on, when they finally make the paradigm shift.
Last Saturday I was running a game. One of the characters was on a barn, running away from a horde of zombie-like thralls. he decided he wanted to jump to a tree that was a bit far away. The conversation went something like this:
Player: "Can I jump to the tree, then?"
Me: "Nah, we've established that it's pretty far away from the barn. It's over by the house. I'll let you spend a Fate Point to declare that there's a tree by the barn, though."
Player: "What, the big tree that I just never noticed?"
Me: "No, more like the camera never focused on it."
Player 2: "Yeah, it's like in a show where you're running towards something, and the camera focuses on the tree you can jump to for a second."
Player: "Okay, yeah, that's pretty cool!"
20130327 I love when you see the lightbulb go on...
Shared to the community Fate Core - Public
+1'd by: Marcel Wittram, Christopher Dyszelski, Chad Crayton, Blue Tyson, James Dillane, David Birkner, Mike Thompson, Chris Newton, Jacob Possin, Gerald Rose, Andrew Tuttle, Brett Bowen, Ergodic Mage, J Woosley, Christopher Ruthenbeck, Sean Dunstan, Devon Apple
Reshared by: Chad Crayton
Fred Hicks - 2013-03-27T16:46:38-0400 - Updated: 2013-03-27T16:47:58-0400
Yeah, that's the stuff. Also fun to call for a Create Advantage roll via Notice or similar, with the same goal in mind. Fail the roll? Maybe you succeed at a cost: the tree's there, but it's not at the end of the barn you need it to be on; or it's there, but it's old and dead, and the branches don't look so sturdy; or...
Ergodic Mage - 2013-03-27T16:58:23-0400
What did it for my old D&D group was they discovered "the camera" never focused on NPCs they wanted to interact with. All of a sudden the characters start interacting with these NPCs better than the ones I had for the adventure.
Linton Rentfro - 2013-03-27T18:02:46-0400
That is what I love about the system. How many times have we been in similar situations like OP described and it took way too long to resolve ... love this system.